You never know what you are going to find on Amazon. Not that long ago, I came across a sale on beer kits. MoreBeer was clearing out their entire selection of kits from their Amazon store.
I looked through the selection of kits and chose the cheapest one I could find. The UK Jester Single Hop Experiment. The total came to $13.84 with tax.
Unfortunately the final product was not very good. This has everything to do with the age of the ingredients in the kit. This had definitely been sitting around in an Amazon warehouse for a very long time.
I did try to correct the flavor issue by dry hopping this in the keg with Nugget, Sterling and Magnum hops. That worked for a short period of time before the flavor faded and I was left with a flat tasting product that was fine if you are just in to drinking beer. But nothing special if you are looking for good beer.
If you would like to try this kit for yourself you can purchase it directly from MoreBeer here. The full recipe for this is available directly from MoreBeer on the same page.
*MoreBeer operates under the name Homebrewers Outpost on Amazon.
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Epidemic Sound